Satiric radio commentary for the 90s from the man who drained Lake Michigan and filled it with hot chocolate!!! Cartoon Update: Clinton and Downsizing
Stan Freberg here with some political cartoons. From the New Yorker magazine, Leo Cullum shows an executive behind a desk, talking to another executive about downsizing. He's saying, "We've got to get rid of some people, Cosgrove. Who are the least likely to come back and shoot us?" More after this. [:60 SPOT BREAK]
Freberg again with a few more cartoons. Walt Handelsman of the Times Picayune paper shows Clinton speaking at a rally. The banner up above reads "America's Working Again!" He has his arm around another man and is saying, "Thanks to my welfare reforms, Larry here started his own business, and became so successful, he made a giant contribution to the Democratic Party, and is investigation by the Justice Department."
Most of these cartoons relate to the Democrats' questionable fund-raising tactics. Mike Thompson for the Copely News Service shows Clinton in the Oval Office, as an aide asks him "Do you know Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?" Clinton hands him a phone book and says "No, but look it up so my contributors can spend the night there."
And following Yassir Arafat's visit to the White House, John Deering of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette shows Arafat himself sleeping in Lincoln's bed in the Lincoln Bedroom, as two aides peek in at him. One says, "Check and see if he actually made a donation."
Stan Freberg here.
Copyright (C)1997, Stan Freberg/Freberg, Ltd. (but not very) Distributed by Dick Brescia Associates and Radio Spirits, Inc.